America’s secret nuclear strategy is not focused on one country
The White House Statement:
The photo released by the US Defense Ministry shows a missile capable of delivering nuclear weapons being loaded onto a launcher.
The White House has said its secret nuclear strategy is not focused on a single country or a single threat.

Nuclear weapons
The New York Times said in a report that the United States is shifting its nuclear strategy from Russia to China.

Us Arms control association
According to US intelligence, China may increase its nuclear arsenal from 500 to 1,000 by 2030.
The US currently has about 4,000 nuclear warheads.
Darryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association,says that the phase of change in nuclear strategy will not come before 2030.
The White House has said that the secret nuclear strategic plan approved by President Joe Biden.
This year is not focused on any one country or any specific threat.
Earlier, a New York Times report said that the United States had reconfigured its nuclear deterrence strategy and for the first time focused it on China’s expanding nuclear stockpile.
The U.S.-based Arms Control Association said it believes the U.S. nuclear weapons strategy.
Aapproach are the same as outlined in the U.S. administration’s 2022 Nuclear Posture Review, which has shifted the focus away from Russia.
The tax was not directed to China:
The New York Times reported in its report that the White House has never announced that Biden has approved the revised nuclear strategy,
titled ‘Nuclear Employment Guidance‘, but it is expected that Biden will leave office.
A notification of this revision shall be sent to Congress before .

Weapons of mass destruction
9 nuclear countries of the world including Pakistan and India spent 91.4 billion dollars on their programs last year ,
Two senior administration officials have hinted at a nuclear strategy in recent speeches, the newspaper said.
The newspaper says that the nuclear strategy is reviewed every four years.
In response to a question about the New York Times report, White House spokesman Sean Savett said that the current administration, like four previous administrations,has issued a Nuclear Posture Review and Nuclear Weapons Employment Planning Guidance.
Although the specific text of the guidance is classified, its presence is by no means hidden.
The guidance issued earlier this year is not a response to a single institution, country or threat.
The nuclear weapons of nine nuclear countries, including America, China, India, and Pakistan, continue to increase.
Darryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, said that according to US intelligence estimates,
China could increase its nuclear arsenal from 500 to 1,000 by 2030, and Russia currently has about 4,000 nuclear warheads.
If there are, this is a major motivation for the United States in terms of nuclear strategy. Kimball, referring to the New York Times report,
cited a June statement by a US official, the White House’s senior director for arms control, disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation, Prinny Waddy.
Kimball said that in his comments, the US strategy was to advance the process of banning nuclear weapons with China and Russia.

China strategy
But if China continues at its current pace of nuclear weapons development, and if Russia exceeds the limits of the New START treaty,
the United States may at some point in the future consider changing its arsenal.
May be required. “My view is that the point at which the current administration thinks such changes should be considered will not come until 2030 or a little later,” he said.